Dash! Style! Perfect Fit!


. . . the prepossessing features of superiority contained and displayed in every pair of  American Lady Corsets.


American Lady Corsets ad | The Ladies' Home Journal, November 1903

Jessica Hartman Jaeger Collection | VintageStitches.com

 Brand new models, designed for modish folks. No figure but can appear stylish by wearing these corsets.

Longfelo Model Style 432, designed especially to influence those much desirable tapering hips -- the necessary style with the new fall gowns. White and drab, sizes 18 to 30.

150 styles, a shape for every figure.

American Lady Corsets ad | The Ladies' Home Journal, November 1903

Jessica Hartman Jaeger Collection | VintageStitches.com

 Additional scans from this magazine can be viewed in my Flickr album--



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